Monday, February 20, 2006

You probably won't read this, but I wrote it anyway.

Some days I just really don't know anything. Unlike my brain not moving fast enough to understand, though, it moves too fast and nothing has time to be analyzed. Thoughts don't occur in distinct periods one after the other, but rather in a continuous stream. It's like having my brain run a marathon the entire day. Everything takes on some grandiose sentimental meaning, and I feel attached to everything in my surroundings. Decisions become clouded due to this state of being, and everything is just hazy. Existence becomes a mystery, and my emotions become trivial.

I didn't write at all today. I don't know if I could have if I tried. What I'm writing right now can be seen as free writing, the lowest intellectual form of writing. I'm doing it because it is the only capacity my brain is capable of writing in at the moment. The world suddenly seems so big. My past suddenly appears and is biting at the heels of my present and future. I think it just took a bite out of the present. I honestly just don't know anything anymore. I hate when I ask myself questions because I'm tired of giving the answers. I want to answer someone else's questions. I want to fix someone else's problems, not my own. I'm tired of having only myself to rely on. Not because it isn't enough, but because I'm bored with myself.

I deal in absolutes for the most part. I don't half-ass an intellectual attempt to acquire knowledge. If you ask me what something is, I will tell you what I perceive it to be. I hate when my mind is like this because then I can't do anything. I'm reduced to the lowest form of living, which is simply existence. I didn't live today, I existed. I'd like to be one of those people who just makes decisions with no regrets or looking back. But I'm too enamored with what could have been. My curiosity is piqued by the consequences of peoples actions. Consequences are not limited to the present and future, but rather the past as well. That's the aspect of making decisions that interests me the most.

My normal philosophy each day is to live it like you were to die at any moment. With days like today though, I find myself wondering whether or not it is worth the struggle if I'm going to die anyway. Why fight to be happy, if in the end your fate is the same? I guess the same reason why ants build ant hills even though the rain and young kids will destroy them - to survive.
  • Ultimately my will to live is determined by an outside factor that provides me the opportunity to prove the worth of my existence.
That can be said for every person. When they lose the chance or will to continue to explore something they give up. For the majority of people this outside factor is love or supporting offspring. For others it is supporting themselves. I don't support myself and I'm not in love or supporting children.

  • I'm better off than the majority of people on the planet, yet perhaps not happier because of it.
I've been fooling myself for about a month now. I've been trying to fake that I've gotten better than what I was a few months ago, but ultimately the end result is the same. I still write crap like this which no one understands - not even me. In some ways I've come around full circle - lost just like I was in the beginning. It is shameful to admit how one simple person can change my way of life with even just a few days worth of contact.

  • My reality exists primarily within my self, so when others come and reshape it, the overall shape and scope is vastly changed.
Maybe I'll learn how to coordinate both to exist in harmony. Maybe I won't. In a hundred years it wouldn't have mattered either way. Sometimes I really hate the way my life has turned out. That's because I'm here complaining about it when I shouldn't be. That's the thing I hate the most of all.


Anonymous said...

Don't regard this as the basest form of writing there is. It's as intellectually stimulating as anything can be. The only worthless pieces of writing are those that not even the writer believes in. Your words have souls.

And this entry does make sense. I've been where you are, many times. I know what motive force drives your soul to where it is. When I was around your age I struggled with the same demons and they nearly consumed me. I see a lot of me in you, I suppose that's why I come by your blog so often. I guess I'm hoping that I can impart some of my experience unto you and help to shed some of the burden you carry. But you got one thing wrong. You shouldn't live life like you're going to die tomorrow. You should live life like you have an entire life ahead of you. Build a foundation brick by brick. Eventually you'll have a home to call you own. It's only through patience and diligence that solid existence may be found. Learn to live life for yourself and not anyone else. Let to be comfortable in who you are. Trust me, when you accept yourself for who you are fully others will sense that self-confidence and they'll gravitate towards you. Be the Zen center of your universe.

Anonymous said...

not sure if this will make you feel any better, but i've been there, too. maybe what you're going through is a universal intellectual maturity of the mind/soul that we all live through in our young adulthood. my advice: hang in there. do the best you can with what you came to this planet with. right now/this present moment is all that's real.

Anonymous said...

I understand this and it speaks to me as well. I've often heard the quote "Dream as if you'll live forever, Live as if you'll die today." And while this is inspirational it is easier said then done. And living as if you'll die today can actually get us nowhere, b/c there will always be something we wish we did, said etc. As we all have to take life in strides... yes i know the cliche of one step at a time. BUT you need to give yourself credit for sharing this with others as it helps other's identify with you and helps you identify with others. I can assure you many, many people (and i know a few) have felt the way you are feeling, b/c sometimes life just passes us by. The only difference between you and them is that you are able to notice it and reflect upon it, while others just take their life as is. Keep having faith, faith in this world and in yourself, b/c you are here for a purpose. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you feel you have to "fight" to be happy.And I don't know how you could EVER be bored with yourself. Your life may be more difficult than most Because you think so deeply, care so much and you choose not to adapt your ideas, morals, and views to "fit in" with the majority. However, it is these very qualities that make you special, unique and empathetic towards others. Life is a roller coaster w/ its ups and downs, and the ride seems endless to those who are scared and incredibly fast to those who love the unpredictability of it. So, I say, just sit back whether your hands are clutched tightly to the bar or raised high in the air and try, try, try to enjoy the ride just a little. Moment by moment, day by day - I promise the future will look brighter.