Saturday, February 18, 2006

We Are Gathered Here Today

We are gathered here today,
To pay tribute to this young man.
He lived the only way he knew,
And did all a man ever can.

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust,
We now witness his union with Nature.
His body becomes one with the earth,
She has taken him but we don't hate her.

He was enamored with death,
But wished not for it to come.
Dying meant he couldn't guess,
What death might mean to some.

In his will he has written,
"My death is not the end.
Simply the continuance of life,
For all our bodies to Nature we lend.

Nature is the only immortal essence,
To grace the world we live in today.
While humans die and pass away,
Mother Nature is here to always stay.

It is only destroyed by another Nature,
A comet, the ice, or explosion of Sun.
Out of Nature's death a new will be born,
To allow the flow of life to always run."

Such is the closing of this man's life,
The last chapter of his personal book.
If we now wish to read his sequels,
Towards Mother Nature we must look.

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