Sunday, February 05, 2006

Religious Haiku

**I read somewhere that "Haikus" only deal with nature, and that anything else is actually some other Japanese name (sery-something). But since I'm stubborn and don't really care either way (I don't like them, remember?) I'm just going to keep calling them haikus.

Religious Haiku
Jesus saved us all,
And to Buddha people pray,
Allah is our God.

This haiku is about the diversity of religion. As I mentioned way, way back in the Religious Beliefs entry, people adamantly believe in certain religions. They think that their religion truly is the correct and true one, and that the others are all fake. I ask myself, "If God truly existed, why would he allow people to interpret him in such a way that would invoke violence?". If there was a God that artfully crafted the universe and our planet - as well as the entire cosmos - why would he allow us to do this? Some people say it isn't God's responsibility to watch over humans, and whatever destruction they cause. But I'm not going to get in to that debate (...yet).

People worship to their separate saviors, messiahs, and Gods, and all the while individuals like me sit back and are taken aback by the extent to which this people push their beliefs. In a perfect world, each of these followers and believers of different religions would have their own after-life, complete with whatever they went on believing throughout their life. And who is to say that isn't how it is? Maybe the atheists/agnostics will just rot in the ground, for not ever believing in anything. Maybe that fear is what drives people to devote themselves to a religion in the first place. Kind of a "Get out of rotting ground when you die" Free Card (joke from Monopoly).

At any rate, either everyone lives "happily ever after" in whatever fantasy they cooked up during their time on earth, or two scenarios occur. In one, there is one religion that is the "right" religion, and the others are all wrong. In the second, all religions are wrong, and none are right. Christianity teaches us that its ok to pick the "wrong" one because we will be saved in the end if we believe and lead a just life. But what kind of just life would consist of living a lie your entire life, believing in a separate religion, only to have everything you have ever known, and everything you have ever given your heart and soul to, be proven as fake?

I think that's enough religious ranting for now. And to think, all of that out of a stupid 5-7-5 haiku (errr...sery-something thing...sorry).


Stephen said...

Anyone that's religious wish to comment on this?

Anonymous said...

since no one that is living knows for sure what happens when we die, all we really need to do is - give love, receive love and live a good honest life-not because of what Might happen when we die - but because it is the right thing to do