Sunday, February 05, 2006

Equations of Life

Equations of Life
What's the equation?
In order to fall in love?
Add what together?

This haiku is about the components that make up the act of falling in love. Obviously a person has to be ready to fall in love, and accept it when it possibly comes. Some people tell themselves they are going to wait until a certain time when they are ready to fall in love. They believe they have full control over when and where they fall in love. While some people can determine whether or not they will seek love, sometimes the time that love presents itself is unpredictable and surprising. Obviously there is no mathematical equation for love. There are no two factors you can "add together" to make love exist between two people. There are, however, a few central components which are vital to falling in love. They are:
  • Wanting to be with the other person because of who they are, not because of who they used to be, or who they will become.
  • Genuinely enjoying the other person's presence, and not simply telling yourself you do in order to maintain a relationship. You know if there is a deep connection or not.
  • Understanding the certain sacrifices that you must give in order to be in love with this person.
  • Understanding that these sacrifices are a small pittance to pay in order to be with this person. If you regret falling in love because it came in the way of something else, then it will affect the love you share with that person.
  • Knowing the significance of saying "I Love You" to another person. Saying "I Love You" doesn't mean "I'll only have sex with you", or "I will take care of you and our children". It means "You are the sole entity on this planet that I wish to give myself to fully, without regret, but with the knowledge that you shall do the same, and our equivalent feelings of love for one another will match perfectly, even long after we die". (Or something like that, anyway).
  • There are many more, but I have a Psychology test to study for. So this last one will just be the most important. Love yourself before you ever think about loving somebody else, and even after you love that other person, continue to love yourself more, or equally, to that person. It is not selfish to love yourself.
"Who should I love more?
My dear partner, or myself?
I love both, of course."


Stephen said...

Comments appreciated on whether you think I'm enlightened or bitterly ignorant in the mysterious alleyways of Love.

Anonymous said...

The part about making sacrifices for the person you love made me think, but i have to wonder, do i sacrifice my plans/goals, in order to be with the person i love? or would i be sacrificing my relationship by not... in all i feel this is exactly what love should be about, loved it

Anonymous said...

some sacrifices and compromises must be made for true love to flourish - and the funny thing is - when you are so very much in love - you don't mind!!