Yes the tree does make a noise, and no it doesn't. I'm speaking of course about whether or not a tree makes a sound if it falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it.
Yes, it does, because science tells us within a 99.9% certainty that things occur even if we are not aware of them.
No, it doesn't, because sound that we can not hear may not exist at all. Anything outside of our immediate reality is taken for granted as existing.
The truth is we don't know if the tree makes a sound or doesn't. We could place a recorder in the woods, but that would be breaking the rules, since the recorder would be an extension of ourselves and our reality. We would like to believe the tree makes a sound since that makes the most sense to us, and we like things to be easy. We don't like to think that the tree doesn't make a sound. Truthfully we don't know the answer, but we are led to believe one over the other. We like to think that trees make sounds when they fall even if we aren't there. It is the easiest explanation and one that we can comprehend. It is confined within our normal boundaries of explaining and rationalizing to explain phenomenon. But if someone said that the tree -didn't- make a sound, they would have to prove it. Despite the fact that neither side can provide valid proof without some form of extending our perception of reality, the side that is considered right is the one that believes the tree makes a sound. The side that doesn't think it makes a sound is considered paranoid and crazy, even though they may respect the other side's opinion as an equally valid explanation as their own.
I ask, who is truly the crazy one?
here's how i always answered this question....sound is observed only if the sound waves -- that are created by the air disturbance (i.e., a tree falling in the forest)-- have something to bounce against (like the eardrums/nerve endings of living things.) so, yes, the disturbance that caused the sound waves does exist and does make a sound. does that make sense?
That makes scientific sense.
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