Tuesday, January 17, 2006


The first, and most important,
Is the one who cares for me the most.
My entire life I have known her,
And thus her and I are close.

However the love that we share,
Comes from being one and the same.
We grew up together,
On the streets of Memory Lane.

The second is another close one,
Yet in many ways far apart.
I have seen her ten to twenty times,
And care for her with my heart.

The third came as a shock,
For she was the first of her kind.
She taught me things about myself,
And most deeply affected my mind.

The third is not like the first or second,
She acted upon her choice.
She chose of her own free will,
And to her I could use my voice.

The fourth is wild,
And perhaps not the best match.
But nonetheless she showed me,
That I was not that bad of a catch.

The fifth is very dark,
And with her there was a lie.
Of all the ones I loved her the most,
Yet wish my memories of her would die (no I don't).

From first to fifth,
they all exist,
And I wish them joy that will soar,

I wonder who might be the next,
If they are like the rest,
Or if I will love them more.

**This was just a poem about some people I've met within my life. Some are family, and the others are friends. No "significant others" are portrayed in this poem.


Anonymous said...

haha I LOVE the title and this stanza:

The second is another close one,
Yet in many ways far apart.
I have seen her ten to twenty times,
And care for her with my heart.

i also like the two closing stanzas a lot. great poem! haha and ya gotta love the little footnote.

Anonymous said...

ooo this is really good ^_^

bonus points