Yes - I'm writing this to you,
because I know you read me regularly.
I now have the attention
of about three to four people.
I wonder if she knows I'm talking to her,
and not the others.
Your intuitions were right,
when you talked to the duckling.
Much like you have ears and eyes,
I do too - and choose to use them.
And I know how you know,
the subject of my writings.
Those five little letters -
My! You are so perceptive...
You really don't miss a beat do you?
Yea, I remember that promise I made,
and it isn't about getting even,
but rather having a blessing crash down
and implant itself in my heart,
where I hope it stays forever.
As a P.S., I still hope some nights
that you find a way to smile,
and are able to enjoy your life
to the fullest extent possible.
1 comment:
"Dear , "
I am sooooo happy that you are happy! Its all I ever wanted for you. (RE: my reason to visit your blog daily - my only resource to how you were doing and sometimes you frightened me. Yes my life is much better now too - and thank you so very much for being there for me through the tough times. The person within me, the one you never knew is back :)Good luck in your future Stephen. You know how to reach me if you need a friend. My visits here are ending. Please take care! ::hugz::..
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