Friday, April 06, 2007

"Where are the keys?"
"I've seemed to misplaced them"
"Oh jesus, fucking again?
You've got a problem you know that?"
"Yes dear, I'm sorry."

"Did you get the right ham?"
"I got the kind I always get"
"Fucking Christ, this is the wrong one!
Can't you get anything right?"
"I'm sorry..."

"Did you pick up my shirts?"
"I was so busy all day I forgot"
"What the fuck will I wear to work?
Wash what I wore today for me."
"Yes, I'm sorry, sure thing."

"I'm too tired to make love"
"Oh yes, you must be tired"
"I give you as much as I can,
I'm only human you know."

(quietly to herself)
"I am too, and I'm sorry."

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