Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i am what i am
exposed for the world to see
my favorite color, blue
my favorite number, three

i have the same urges
and the same desires
i admire old people
and hate liars

this is me
twenty, six feet tall
shy (or cowardly)
and ready to fall...

...straight in to your arms
and be set free from worry
and doubt, and given
something to protect and love
for as long as the moon
hangs high enough,
for me to know that somewhere,
you can see it too.

i am all these things
but i'm proud of only a few,
and of those i am,
is my eternal faithfulness


Lizanne said...

yay! i like this! i havent heard from you in awhile... good to know you're still alive

Anonymous said...

this is what poetry and freedom of expression is all about, bravo!