Some people waste their lives
in front of computer screens,
and others drinking beer.
Some people waste it working
and others in something
other than happiness.
So you ask why I do this.
You ask why the choices I make
and the dreams I choose to pursue
are always filled with difficulty.
The only answer I have for that
is destiny doesn't have a cookie cutter shape
that you can press down
on to a mushy dough called life.
I will always admire you for "taking the road less traveled", "following your heart", "going to the beat of your own drum".... I, unfortuately, am a "cookie cutter" person. Afraid to break from the pack. You may be afraid, too, sometimes but you keep going your own way.
Whether it is commonly followed or not, doing what feels right to you is all that matters. Live your life, not other people's.
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