Saturday, May 10, 2014

life changing events

they say that your life can change
in the blink of an eye.
i never really considered it,
until it happened to me.

as many stories start: we were in love,
going on three and a half years
with nothing but blissful uncertainty
of the future we'd share together.

i know in my heart
we were meant to be.
i was never so sure of anything
than i was my love for him.

one weekend, a friend calls,
their voice teeming with urgency,
telling me to drive over --
it had something to do with him.

the drive over was the longest of my life,
events flashed through my mind,
things that i'd never get to experience:
anniversaries, recitals, graduations.

when i finally reached the house
i bolted from the car, still running,
and nearly tore down the front door
to see him there, on his knee.

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