Wednesday, April 23, 2008

to a former best friend

i think we both knew it'd be like this.
you with your friends and beer.
me with my friend and games.
a past left to gather dust
in a place where the tumbleweed is gone
and memories are ever-fleeting.

it was fun for the time it lasted,
but i hold no hope for our future.
an abandoned friendship thrown on the roadside,
its thumbs cut and forced to hitchhike.
but i guess so long as we're happy,
we'll never need to see each other again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

friends come and go in our lives. enjoy them as they journey through.

if we're really experiencing living, then change has to happen. "who" i am today and "who" i will become tomorrow will not be the same person. our friends grow in different directions as life unfolds before them and so do we.