Saturday, March 31, 2007

why do i feel this doubt? this doubt that i was once the best thing for you, but now i have been replaced? what makes me feel like i am no longer the reason you breathe and live? a small little candy. i bought some at the grocery store outside of my dorm hall. they were orange, but not because i go to tennessee. i remember as a kid i'd get a handful from my mom's purse and eat them, and the orange ones tasted best when i crunched down on them with my teeth. a simpler time, waiting outside sears dressing rooms for what felt like hours, because i was too immature to be left alone at home. years later, i see nothing has changed, and i am still left alone, too immature to reach out and grab what it is i want. hold me close, and do not permit me to drift off very far, because i have this feeling i won't find my way back, no matter how hard that i try. so where does that doubt come from? probably on the corner of change the topic avenue and stream of consciousness boulevard.

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