If you think of your life as in stages, what stage are you in now? What stage did you currently abandon, and what does the future have in store?
To know where you're going and get where you want to go, you have to know where you are now. You wouldn't look at a map to find where you're going if you couldn't locate where you currently were, so why expect to get anywhere in life without first knowing where you stand in the present?
The only way to know where you are now is to know who you are. And that is to know who you have been and also who you want to be. What changes are required of you to change from who you were, in to who you want to be?
Don't worry so much on who you are right now. There's little we can do about that. You are who you are because of an infinitely complex string of events and actions. To change who you are now would be to go back and change them, which is fruitless.
Instead, look where you want to be. What will it take to get there? How will you have to act? What will you need to sacrifice? It isn't a question of whether or not you are capable, but whether or not you are willing. And if you are - your future is yours to decide.
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