Wednesday, December 05, 2007

the history

i started writing poetry for someone,
then i kept on writing it for myself.
after a while i wrote about others,
but then came back to myself.

then suddenly - i quit
when someone disappeared.
but a stranger said 'what a pity,'
so i started writing again.

then i wrote about someone else,
for a little while anyway,
before completing a full circle
and coming back to myself.

i've written about deaths,
suicides, love and heartache.
i've written while happy
and also indescribably sad.

but i've written - written it all,
about someone or myself,
with only the truest intention -
of trying to connect myself to others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are still writing.
So many people can't do what you do- share yourself and feelings. It takes a special person - And you are.