Monday, May 08, 2006


It's funny who ends up teaching you things. Sometimes they aren't even real people, but just creations of a mind that far surpasses yours. Who taught me, and what did they teach me? That is far too big a question to answer in one night.

Instead I'd like to ask a question that maybe you've thought about, or perhaps you've just passed off as common knowledge. Why do people give up? Is it because they've reached a point where trying no longer holds meaning? Is it because they do not care deeply enough for what they are fighting? Is it because to go on any longer would be too painful?

I suppose loneliness goes hand in hand with giving up on things in life. When you no longer have support of friends, you no longer have motivation to continue. Everyone in life relies upon other humans for some sort of purpose. Normally it is to help keep each other sane and feel alive. We use others to validate our existence in the world. Without others, we would be lost souls on this world. So naturally, when others abandon us, or when we abandon others, we give many things up. When we are alone we are scared, timid, and fearful. We are afraid that we will remain that way forever, and so we cower with the fear that nothing will ever change. With that knowledge we force things to change by giving things up, and quitting.

Even deeper than the role of others on giving up is the role of the self. Being able to motivate oneself is a difficult task to accomplish. And don't think that it ever comes without some support from other people, either. Self motivation is always the result of reinforced and applied support through friends. You can never accomplish the greatest feats in life without the use of friends. Your friends can only take you so far, however. They can push you right up to the bar, but it is your job to go the final mile. You ultimately walk the last leg of every race on your own. No one can walk this for you. While supported through friends, you must have the inner strength to accomplish that which your heart desires.

We move on through life often times spending more time asking questions than finding answers. Why is this? Why do we always ask ourselves questions about life, but rarely go out to seek the answers? Why do we give up on finding the answers of life? Why do we stop knowing what it means to live and give up on life, to float through existence as if time held no meaning?

You don't always have to give up, though. No matter what happens, you can continue moving forward. Even if it's on your own. Even if others tell you it's impossible. Even if no one has done it before, and you know that the odds are against you. You have the power to never give up, and continue to live, and not merely exist. You have the power within yourself to always and forever be the kind of person that you love. Life is no mystery. Its true answers lay right within your heart, which you have had to yourself all along. This individual power to always move on, and never give up, both roars and diminishes through time.

The question you have to ask yourself...

Is will you roar,

Or diminish?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really love your last 2 entries. you have a talent for taking an idea or question and writing it into a wonderful piece of writing. I like "Flames" b/c i think you hit the nail on the head. i like how you are big on self-motivation... as i thought this was really inspirational- makes me want to roar, not diminish